I was lucky to born in a family engage to textile and jewelry design business. I am an engineer and mother to a boy. Most of my family lives among the Mediterranean Sea.
I spent all my summer exploring how to make it? , what to make it? Now, I am creating my unique line that will bring to my customers a different cultural items. I will try my best to bring new and old tradition together and make it in best quality and an affordable price.
So every one can have one.
Thank you, Please follow me for future coming items.
I will start with tradition evil eye,,,,, since my favorite color is " BLUE"
You will see evil eye in and out almost in every item or something blue. But same time I will follow the water ( fashion and trendy ) so I float. But I promise that I will bring unique items that make your collection richer.
Very soon, I will not forget our children and I will have kids jewelry.
And, we can not leave our pets out, I will have bracelets and necklaces design with pet(dog/ cat/fish...) charm that we can care on.
Thank you again for all.